Online shared information is becoming a threat to your online banking.

Nowadays, online banking is a very good convenient service offered by banks. People check their bank accounts and pay their bills almost every day through online banking. On the other hand, threats are also rising day by day for online privacy. As per the article posted by Mike Thompson, more than 600,000 Facebook accounts are hacked every day. These Facebook accounts carry your personal shared information which includes your name, date of birth, address, phone number, contacts and your employment information.

Then, these hackers turn to your email addresses which contain all of your personal data and information. Alan Wlasuk has also mentioned in his article that more than 60% of all Internet users use one, at most three, login name/password pairs throughout their entire internet journey. Normally people keep their security questions and answer same in order to remember them. All of your stolen online information in your email address and Facebook account gives a lot of potential to professional hackers to reach your online banking account. They can easily get to your pay pal and credit numbers with this online info.
Bad guys can also use other options to get your personal information out of your computer. It possible with the help of Malware viruses which can enter your computer from your email ID. These Malware come from your junk mail. When we click on this junk or spam mail it silently enters your computer and starts transferring your data and information to the hacker. ESet’s Security Evangelist, Stephen Cobb is stating in this video  that how bad guys send their Malware rats to people’s computer and steal all of their personal information, get access to network connections, usernames and passwords etc.
To keep your information safe from malware viruses your computer should have an online security antivirus. Security questions and username/passwords should be different for your email ID and online banking accounts. We should also keep our passwords long and complicated so that they are hard to guess.

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